The Highland Road Project improved approximately .4 miles of roadway by separating the grade and constructing a bridge at the crossing of the Norfolk Southern Railroad. Improvements also included reconstructing North Roll and Hold Parkway and the addition of South Roll and Hold Parkway. The Highland Road project improved approximately .4 miles of roadway by separating the grade and constructing a bridge at the crossing of the Norfolk Southern Railroad. The railroad was the focal point of this project and had to maintain activity during construction, which made coordination between Kenmore and Norfolk Southern Railroad necessary to the success of this project. The project also included extensive MSE Wall construction necessary for the grade separation. The maintenance of traffic on this project was another important component of the project from design to maintaining due to the amount of Industrial activity within the area of the project. Kenmore coordinated with the City of Macedonia officials and other stakeholders to assure the construction activities would not have an adverse effect on the community. Other items of construction included improvements to existing drainage facilities, waterlines and sanitary sewers.